How to Renew a Japanese Passport in the U.S.

Over the past century, methods of air, land and sea travel have been completely revolutionized. In today's global transportation network, travelers can easily book flights to destinations across the globe though online websites. Although booking travel has been made much easier, many countries require valid passports for identification and entry. By following a few simple steps, you can quickly renew a Japanese passport on U.S. soil at a Japanese consulate.

Things You'll Need

  • Current passport
  • Current photo
  • Family registry
  • Driver's license
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      Travel to a Japanese consulate. Request a Japanese passport renewal application and fill it out.

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      Provide the consulate official managing your application with a current photo, your current passport, a driver's license and a family registry. If your current passport is still valid, the family registry document is not required.

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      Pay the necessary fees. Depending on the length of renewal, fees typically range from $64 to $170. Credit cards are typically not accepted as a valid method of payment.

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