How to Get an Indonesian Passport

Indonesian people boost a myriad of cultures and 300 different languages, but they only need one passport. You must be an Indonesian citizen to obtain an Indonesian passport. U.S. citizens with Indonesian spouses may apply for a passport, however Indonesian law does not recognize dual nationality, which may make entering and exiting Indonesian countries difficult. In lieu of individual passports spouses may be added onto a family passport that will allow a U.S. citizen to enter with his spouse. A U.S. citizen may enter Indonesia on a U.S. passport with an Indonesian tourist visa for six months. Obtaining an Indonesian passport in the U.S. requires the applicant to appear in person at her local Indonesian consulate.

Things You'll Need

  • 4 passport photos
  • Application fee
  • Marriage certificate
  • Birth certificate
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      Visit your consulate to obtain passport application forms and register your presence in the United States. Registering your presence with the consulate will assist with passport renewal. An Indonesian passport is valid for three years with a possible two-year extension upon request. This step applies to native-born Indonesians. A U.S. citizen must accompany his Indonesian spouse when applying for a passport and it is not necessary to register your presence; however, an interview may be required.

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      Fill out the forms. You must provide proof of your Indonesian citizenship such as a birth certificate for an individual passport application. If you are applying for a passport as a citizen through marriage, you must present a certificate of marriage. U.S. citizens applying for an Indonesian passport through a spouse will apply for a family passport that both he and his spouse will use for travel within Indonesia.

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      Submit the forms. Include four passport-size photos with your application and a $22 application fee. The consulate takes up to three weeks to process passport applications.

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